Criminal Defense Attorneys: Who, How and When

Simply put, the lawyers who defend personnel or companies alleged of being involved in criminal activity of any kind are the Criminal Defense Attorneys. These lawyers specialize in Criminal Law, or perhaps a more niche of the Law. Criminal Law is the other type of jurisdiction than Civil Law. While Civil Law is more about finding solutions to conflicts and compensating the victims.

In Criminal Law, the aim is to rehabilitate or punish a proven criminal. The Law is also in place to make sure that every human being gets an equal chance to prove their innocence. While also bringing justice to the victim of the crime or related to the victim. Crime includes threatening, harming, or endangering people’s, including one’s own property, health, safety, and moral welfare.

There are two types of criminal charges, misdemeanor, and felony. Misdemeanors are the criminal activity that will give one a jail time of less than one year if found guilty. At the same time, in case of a felony, the punishment is more than one year. In between, they are wobblers. This is when one is charged with felony charges, but it can be negotiated and brought down to be a misdemeanor.

How to Get a Criminal Defense Attorney and how they work

If the state’s prosecution, maybe the district attorney takes and files a case against a person or company, then there are 2 ways they can avail an attorney to defend them. One, either they can retain a law firm or lawyer to try their case. Or, two, if they do not retain a lawyer for themselves, then the state will appoint a lawyer for them.

Typically, the lawyers appointed by the court are known as public defenders. They are actually the state’s employees. However, some states have provisions that a court can appoint an independent lawyer or law firm to defend an accused.

Good Criminal Defense Attorneys are more serious and more personally attached to the client than the Civil ones. This is because, for their client, it is all or nothing. Either they will become a convict or prove to be innocent. These lawyers also uphold the perfect example of professionalism. They don’t let their emotions affect their efforts, no matter if the client has actually done the crime. The best defense attorneys also do a lot of research on the jury and their backgrounds to convince them better.

They also become a pro in understanding body language. The chances are the defense attorneys also have an existing relationship with the prosecutors, having dealt with such cases many times and facing each other in court.

When to Consult and Retain a Criminal Defense Attorney

Everyone related to the court and legal system will always tell you to get a criminal defense attorney at the first chance you are accused of a crime. So, consult and then retain criminal defense attorneys if you are in any of the situations below.

·        Assault and Battery Charges.

·        Drug Charges

·        Fraud or Financial Crimes Charges.

·        Alcohol Crimes like driving under the influence.

·        Theft Charges.·        Homicide Charges.